Kamis, 23 Desember 2010 | By: Dedii May Cry

know this...!

Gadis "manis" yang terlihat tak mungkin macam-macam pun bisa menjadi peselingkuh. Mulai dari selingkuh kecil hingga selingkuh berat yang berlanjut ke ranjang! Tandai ciri-cirinya!

Bukan berarti harus mencurigai pasangan Anda. Tapi, seperti anekdot "kucing disodori ikan asin pasti langsung disambar", siapa yang tak tergoda jika ada seseorang yang terus-menerus mencoba menarik perhatian kita. Karena sering bertemu, mengobrol, dan akhirnya saling curhat, perselingkuhan pun semakin mungkin terjadi. Apalagi bila kebetulan kondisi hubungan dengan pasangan pun sedang seperti mendung yang gelap.

Namun, tentu saja tak berarti solusinya adalah mengawasi dan menginterogasi pasangan selama hampir 24 jam. Yang penting, ciptakan hubungan yang kondusif di antara Anda berdua, dan belajarlah jeli membaca tanda-tanda kemungkinan adanya perselingkuhan. Dengan begitu, pengkhianatan bisa segera dihentikan, dan hubungan Anda berdua pun masih terselamatkan.

Lalu, apa saja tanda-tanda awal yang bisa dijadikan petunjuk? Marcella Bakur dan Raymon B. Green dalam buku mereka, 180 Telltale Signs Hates Are Cheating and How to Catch Them, mengungkapkan tanda tanda emosional seseorang yang sedang berselingkuh.

1. Dia lebih perhatian dari biasanya. Ini karena dia merasa bersalah kepada Anda. Namun, perhatian tersebut perlahan-lahan akan berkurang dan akhirnya menghilang setelah perselingkuhan semakin dalam.

2. Dia mulai menghujani Anda dengan hadiah. Sama seperti poin pertama, ini dilakukannya karena merasa bersalah telah mengkhianati Anda. Dengan memberikan hadiah-hadiah itulah ia bisa mengatasi rasa bersalahnya.

3. Tingkah lakunya membuat Anda merasa ada sesuatu yang tidak beres. Percayailah instink Anda. Tidak peduli dengan instink tersebut sama saja Anda "membutakan" diri dari kebenaran yang ada. Andalah yang paling tahu kebiasaan, rutinitas, dan sikap-sikapnya sehari-hari. Jadi, curigalah bila semua itu berubah.

4. Dia mulai semakin sering memancing pertengkaran. Ini adalah alasannya untuk marah dan pergi menemui kekasih gelapnya. Namun, bisa juga dilakukan karena perasaannya yang bercampur aduk setelah mengkhianati Anda.

5. Selalu membicarakan kemungkinan hubungan Anda berdua berakhir. Waspadalah jika dia mulai sering berkata, "Apa yang kamu lakukan jika hubungan kita berakhir?" atau, "Jika sesuatu terjadi pada kita berdua, saya akan selalu menyayangi kamu sebagai teman." Asal Anda tahu, kalimat berandai-andainya itu karena ada orang lain yang akan menerimanya dengan senang hati begitu hubungan Anda berdua berakhir.

6. Dia tampak senang dan bersemangat ketika akan pergi keluar rumah sendirian, dan langsung lesu serta lemas saat berada di dekat Anda.

7. Dia jarang bicara dengan Anda dan menjadi "dingin" seperti es batu, tidak peduli pada perasaan Anda.

8. Selera musiknya tiba-tiba berubah. Karena jadi lebih sering mendengarkan musik kesukaan "sang pacar", ia pun jadi ikut menyukai musik tersebut.

9. Dia terus-menerus mengkritik orang lain (lawan jenisnya). Ini adalah usahanya untuk membuat Anda berpikir bahwa orang seperti itu bukanlah tipe favoritnya, walau sebenarnya diam-diam dia tertarik.

10. Dia jadi lebih sering memberi kritik pedas kepada Anda.

11. Emosinya jadi lebih mudah terpancing terhadap komentar Anda, bahkan komentar netral sekalipun.

12. Dia mulai seperti bermain "petak umpet" saat Anda berada di dekatnya. Misalnya, sering sekali menutup pintu atau pergi menjauh saat bicara di telepon.

13. Dia tak pernah lagi memuji penampilan Anda.

14. Dia mulai berhenti mengucapkan "Aku cinta kamu."

15. Dia tampak salah tingkah atau tampak merasa bersalah saat Anda melakukan hal baik untuknya.

16. Dia justru menuduh Andalah yang berselingkuh walau tak memiliki bukti yang kuat.

17. Dia lebih memilih menghabiskan waktu bersama teman-temannya dibanding bersama Anda

18. Dia tak lagi menunjukkan kasih sayangnya kepada Anda.

19. Dia lebih memilih membaca atau menonton tv dibanding mengobrol atau bercinta dengan Anda.

20. Dia mulai menggunakan kata-kata humor atau canda serta pendapat yang berbeda dari biasanya, yang tidak mencerminkan didnya.

21. Dia seperti menarik diri dan menjauh. Tapi saat Anda menanyakan itu semua, dia tak ingin membicarakannya.

22. Dia tampak tidak berkonsentrasi dan tidak menunjukkan gairahnya saat bercinta.

23. Dia selalu tampak kaget atau bingung setiap bangun pagi. Ini karena tidak yakin di tempat tidur siapa dia terbangun.

24. Anda mendengarnya mengigau menyebutkan nama seseorang (nama laki2 tentunya) lebih dari satu kali.

25. Sahabat dan anggota keluarga Anda sering melihat ketegangan di antara Anda berdua, bahkan jauh sebelum Anda sendiri menyadarinya.

26. Dia mudah sekali merasa "terancam" saat Anda bertanya-tanya tentang beberapa hal kepadanya, dan merasa seperti diinterogasi.

27. Pola tidurnya berubah dari biasanya dan tampak resah.

Nah, apakah tanda-tanda tersebut juga terdapat pada pasangan Anda? Jika iya, waspadalah!

After An Affair
Perselingkuhan terjadi, pasangan Anda memohon maaf, berjanji tak mengulanginya lagi, dan Anda ingin memaafkannya. Bagaimana caranya?

* Cari tahu berbagai fakta tentang perselingkuhan itu dari pasangan Anda. Mintalah ia menjelaskan fakta-fakta penting saja. Dari sini, Anda berdua bisa menemukan apa yang sebenarnya membuat perselingkuhan itu terjadi, dan bagaimana cara mencegahnya agar tak terulang lagi.
* Pahami perasaan masing-masing. Dia harus memaklumi perasaan Anda setelah perselingkuhan itu, dan Anda pun demikian. Dengan begitu, langkah selanjutnya akan terasa lebih mudah bersama-sama untuk menentukan apa yang perlu dan yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh masing-masing pihak. Ini untuk mencegah perselingkuhan terulang lagi.
* Maafkan dan lupakan. Ungkapan "to forgive is to forget" benar-benar harus Anda praktikkan, walau mungkin sulit. Jangan pernah ungkit kesalahannya dan hargailah usahanya untuk berubah. Yang penting, pastikan dia benar-benar jera dan tak akan menyakiti Anda lagi.

Fakta Seputar Perselingkuhan

* Setidaknya 70% pria menikah dan 60% wanita menikah pernah berselingkuh. Itu artinya, dari tiga pernikahan, dua di antaranya "dihiasi" perselingkuhan.
* 90% perceraian terjadi karena perselingkuhan. 50% terlibat perselingkuhan, namun hanya 25% yang menyatakan perselingkuhan adalah penyebab utama mereka bercerai.
* 80% dari mereka yang bercerai ketika berselingkuh menyesali keputusan untuk bercerai.
* 75% dari mereka yang menikahi pasangan selingkuhnya, ujungnya tetap berakhir dengan perceraian juga.
Jumat, 10 Desember 2010 | By: Dedii May Cry

Birth name Zachary James Baker

Zachary Vengeance was born December 11, 1981 in Huntington Beach, California, USA. He is an American hard rock and metal guitarist, songwriter and vocalist for the rock band 'Avenged Sevenfold' who are known for their songs 'Afterlife', 'Dear God', 'Seize the Day' and 'A Little Piece of Heaven'.

Zacky Vengeance



What is HIV?
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Viruses like HIV need to infect the cells of a living organism in order to replicate. The human immune system usually finds and kills viruses fairly quickly, but HIV attacks the immune system itself – the very thing that would normally get rid of a virus. HIV infects and gradually destroys a person's immune system, reducing their body’s ability to fight against even simple infections like a common cold.

 What is AIDS?
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and is caused by HIV. AIDS is not a single condition or disease; it describes the stage in which the human immune system can no longer cope due to the damage caused by HIV. AIDS develops as HIV gradually wears down the immune system, and leaves the individual prone to opportunistic Infections that an HIV negative person could easily fight off. A person is said to have AIDS when their CD4 count reaches 200. However, if a person receives treatment and their CD4 goes above 200, they are back to having HIV only. With developments in treatment and healthy living, HIV/AIDS is not a death sentence, but a manageable disease.

So,save your ass and protect your thing....


Dec 11 2010
Las Vegas, NV
The Joint Buy tickets
Jan 20 2011
Reading, PA
Sovereign Center Buy tickets
Jan 22 2011
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Jan 23 2011
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Jan 25 2011
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Jan 26 2011
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Jan 28 2011
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Jan 29 2011
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Jan 30 2011
Evansville, IN
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Feb 1 2011
Moline, IL
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Feb 2 2011
La Crosse, WI
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Feb 4 2011
Battle Creek, MI
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Feb 5 2011
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Feb 7 2011
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Feb 8 2011
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Feb 11 2011
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Feb 12 2011
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Feb 13 2011
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Feb 26 2011
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-  01 - Saosin - Seven years.mp3

-  Saosin-You're Not Alone (piano version).mp3

-  Saosin - Voices.mp3

-  07 - Saosin - Seven years [Acoustic].mp3

-  Saosin - Its So Simple.mp3

-  Saosin-time after time.mp3





Happy Birthday #8

Happy Birthday Corey!


(Feb. 23, 2010 – New York City, NY) – Saosin return to the road in the U.S. this month after spending time touring South East Asia in support of their sophomore release In Search Of Solid Ground (Virgin Records) which was released on Sep. 8th, 2009.  The Orange County based quintet will headline the bill with support from Maylene and The Sons of Disaster, which started in Bakersfield, CA on February 18th and will finish up in Pomona, CA on March 21st (full schedule below).

Deemed by Alternative Press Magazine as one of the most anticipated releases of 2009, In Search of Solid Ground is the follow-up to Saosin’s 2006 self-titled full-length debut, which bowed at No. 22 on The Billboard 200 and peaked at No. 7 on Billboard’s Top Rock Albums chart. In Search Of Solid Ground  embarks on a new journey with universal themes – mankind’s search for truth and meaning, the fragility of relationships, the pain implicit in growth and goodbyes – from a fresh perspective. The first single “Changing” reached #28 on the Alternative Radio charts and the video was spun on MTVu and Music Choice.  Saosin last toured the states as headliner of the 2nd Annual PacSun Tour with innerpartysystem, POS, and Eye Alaska.  They also spent last summer on the Van’s Warped Tour.

In Search of Solid Ground is the end product of months of writing, tracking and mix sessions which Saosin fans were able to witness online in real time, with songs written and tracks demoed in the Costa Mesa, CA studio of global youth brand Hurley, where they self-produced several final album tracks.  In early 2009, Saosin worked with producer Butch Walker (Sevendust, Fall Out Boy, P!nk) which resulted in 5 songs on In Search Of Solid Ground.  They also worked with John Feldman (The Used, Good Charlotte, Story Of The Year) who produced 2 tracks and with Lucas Banker/Logan Mader (Five Finger Death Punch, Soulfly, Machine Head) on 1 album track.  Band guitarist Beau Burchell mixed all songs on In Search of Solid Ground.

Saosin is comprised of Cove Reber (vocals), Chris Sorenson (bass), Alex Rodriguez (drums), Justin Shekoski (guitar) and Beau Burchell (guitar).


Slipknot's percussionist and videographer Clown (M. Shawn Crahan) recently sat down with us to discuss his bittersweet memories of headlining the 2009 Download Festival.

Playing to 80,000 screaming fans after having the band's 4th studio album All Hope Is Gone debut at #1 in the US, the full, explosive set was captured for the brand new live DVD (sic)nesses. With the energetic, chill-inducing show marking one disc of the 2-disc set, and a Clown-directed documentary of life on the road in support of All Hope is Gone marking the second, Clown discusses what it's like to look back on this banner year for the band in light of the untimely passing of their bassist and brother Paul Gray

Watch below to see what he had to say about all of the above and more, and stay tuned for the second part of our exclusive interview coming later this week.
Kamis, 09 Desember 2010 | By: Dedii May Cry

Slipknot - Duality



Slipknot adalah sebuah band beraliran Nu Metal dari Des Moines, Iowa yang dibentuk pada 1995, Band ini telah beberapa kali mengganti anggotanya dan memiliki anggota tetap sejak 1999 yaitu: Sid Wilson, Joey Jordison, Paul Gray, Chris Fehn, James Root, Craig Jones, Shawn "Clown" Crahan, Mick Thomson, dan Corey Taylor. Sampai sekarang Slipknot Telah Nerilis 4 Buah Album, Band ini juga pernah mendapatkan Grammy Awards untuk kategori Best Metal Performance untuk lagu "Before I forget" pada tahun 2006, album ke 5 mereka yang bertajuk "All Hope Is Gone" dirilis pada 26 Agustus 2008


1996: Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat
1999: Slipknot
2001: Iowa
2004: Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)
2008: All Hope Is Gone2005: 9.0: Live


Grammy Awards 

2006 "Before I Forget" Best Metal Performance

Kerrang! Awards

  • Kerrang! Services to Metal Award: Paul Gray 
  • Best Live Band: Slipknot 
  • Best International Band: Slipknot 
  • Kerrang! Icon - Slipknot 
  • Best On the Planet - Slipknot 
  • Best International Live Band - Slipknot




#0 – Sid Wilson

Position: Right Shoulder
Location: Skin Kitchen, Des Moines, IA
Meaning: “Jungle fever because I’m a junglist” (a jungle dj).
Position: Left Shoulder
Location: Skin Kitchen, Des Moines, IA
Meaning: “Jungle fever because I’m a junglist” (a jungle dj) – feuer means fire in german
Position: Wrists and Forearm
Location: Tony Kelly, Peoria Ill. Livin, La Vida Loco tour ’1999
Meaning: Flames – “Because I’m always on fire.”
Position: Knuckles
Location: Skin Kitchen, Des Moines, IA
Meaning: Must Kill – His Quote
Position: Elbow
Position: Hands
Meaning: The “Autobots” and “Decepticons” logos from “The Transformers” TV Show/comic books. Sid is a big fan of “The Transformers”. His favorite TF character is Starscream (Decepticon). The “Autobot” logo is located on his left hand and the “Decepticon” logo is located on his right hand.

#1 – Joey Jordison

Joey does not have any tattoos.

#2 – Paul Gray

Position: Left arm
Location: Skin Kitchen, Des Moines, IA
Meaning: Tribal “S” – “It represents my band,which is everything to me.”
Position: Right forearm
Meaning: “It looked cool, so I got it.” Picture from the cover of the Sounds Of Death magazine.
Position: Calf
Meaning: Slipknot band logo
Position: Calf
Meaning: Clown figure with a knife

#3 – Chris Fehn

Position: Left Calf
Location: Amsterdam
Meaning: Running bear.
Position: Calf
Location: Japan
Meaning: 4 elements : Fire, water, land and wind. “The four basic elements of the earth”

#4 – James Root

Position: Right Forearm
Meaning: #4
Position: Left Forearm
Location: Skin Kitchen, Des Moines, IA
Meaning: ..
Position: Right Arm & Forearm
Position: Right Bicep
Meaning: Clown
Position: Right Forearm
Meaning: Root

#5 – 133

Position: Right Leg
Location: … (made in February ’98 by Cuddles)
Meaning: Slipknot
Position: Left Arm
Location: Done by some guy in PA, October ’99
Meaning: Tribal design. “It looked cool.”
Position: Right Shoulder
Location: Peoria, IL)
Meaning: 133 (one-thirty-three)
Position: Right Forearm
Meaning: Cräigermeister (It’s the logo of Jägermeister, with the cross in the upside down position and the word “Cräigermeister” instead of “Jäger”…)

#6 – Clown

Position: Left Arm
Location: Skin Kitchen, Des Moines (made in ’99)
Meaning: Pinhead elephant, “Designed by my wife and myself.” “My wife is an elephant lover and I love pinhead so it is representative of the two of us.”
Position: Right Leg
Location: Paul Booth, Des Moines
Meaning: Slipknot
Position: Right Shoulder
Location: Skin Kitchen, Des Moines (’99)
Meaning: “I’ve always felt that Pinhead is one of the most evil characters created.”
Position: Left Shoulder, above Pinhead Elephant
Location: Hodikin, Tokyo, Japan (2000)
Meaning: Chantal – Shawn’s wife. “Her name (Chantal) is on my shoulder in purple cause my whole arm is an offering.”

#7 – Mick Thomson

Position: Left Shoulder
Location: Paul Booth, Des Moines
Position: Left Calf
Meaning: Slipknot
Position: Left Forearm
Meaning: Seven (7) – his number.
Position: Right Forearm
Location: Japan
Meaning: Japanese for “hate”. “Hate – Get to know me.”
Position: Right Arm
Position: Back and Neck
Meaning: Upside down Cross
Position: Left Calf
Meaning: Scorpio. His zodical sign is “Scorpio”

#8 – Corey Taylor

Position: Left Bicep
Meaning: The Joker
Position: Back
Meaning: Dragon Koi
Position: Chest
Location: Paul Booth, Des Moines
Meaning: “Between Evil and Good”
Position: Chest
Location: Moscow, Russia
Meaning: “Propaganda”
Position: Neck
Location: Malibu
Meaning: 8 representing Slipknot #8 and tribal “S” symbol.
The number 8 is surrounded by “crazy eight” written is in kanji.

Position: Right Forearm
Location: Japan
Meaning: Truth
Position: Left Forearm
Meaning: Dogma. The shape he says are where they will put the nails when he’s gone too far.
Position: Right & Left Forearm
Meaning: Truth & Dogma.
Position: Left Leg
Meaning: He got this after his son Griffin was born and so did his wife.
Position: Left Side of neck
Meaning: Japanese for “Death”
Position: Right Arm
Meaning: Scarlett. Corey’s ex-wife’s name is Scarlett. This tatoo is right above the tribal “S” tattoo
Position: Right Bicep
Meaning: He got it the day after Joey designed it.
Position: Left Bicep/Arm
Position: Back
Meaning:The two-headed panther signifies the duality of man and the struggle to balance the yin and yang. The numbers 24601 are Jean Valjean’s prisoner number from the book “Les Miserables”.
Position: Right Arm
Meaning: First of the set which he says was part of an “in joke” that if he had two chicks on his arms he’d always be in a threesome.
Position: Left Arm
Meaning: Second of the set which he says was part of an “in joke” that if he had two chicks on his arms he’d always be in a threesome.
Position: Right & Left Arm
Meaning: The set which he says was part of an “in joke” that if he had two chicks on his arms he’d always be in a threesome.
Position: Right Leg
Position: Back Neck
Meaning: Infant Finite + tribal “S”
Position: Navel
Meaning: Sanscrit that meens darkness alogn with two bullet smiley faces.
Position: Right Arm


#0 – Sid Wilson

During the self titled era Sid wore an array of different gasmasks. He would switch between masks on a very regular occasion, and it is unclear how many different masks he used throughout that period. The masks he used were a range of military gasmasks, some of which he customized in multiple ways, including; removing filters around the mouth area and other various alterations.

#1 – Joey Jordison

During the self titled era Joey wore an expressionless Japanese Kabuki mask. He got the mask from his mother who surprised him one Halloween with it, which Joey says “scared the shit out of [him]“. Originally the mask was completely blank and white, however towards the end of ’99 his mask was customized to include black markings around his eyes and on his forehead.

#2 – Paul Gray

During the self titled era Paul wore a customized pig faced latex mask. The mask featured black straps riveted to the top and sides of the mask so it could be strapped to his head. It also featured other minor alterations on occasion including; a ring or padlock through the snout of the mask. However these were only temporary modifications.

#3 – Chris Fehn

Custom Percussion
During the self titled era Chris wore the first variation of his mask that he would continue to use throughout his career. The mask featured a black bondage hood which covered his entire head and a secondary white/gray mask which covered only his face which featured a predominantly large Pinocchio style nose and a large zipper on the mouth area. It also featured a lot of riveting around the zipper and outer area of the mask for the straps and a long stitched area below the nose which stretched across his whole face.

#4 – Jim Root

During the self titled era Jim wore a heavily customized latex jester mask. The mask was very worn and had a beaten look to it and featured heavy modifications. Including; a zipper around the mouth area and straps around the outer edges which are riveted to the original latex mask and black, elongated spike on the end of the chin of his mask.

#5 – Craig Jones

During the self titled era Craig wore a customized black racer’s crash helmet. The helmet featured a large number of nails protruding out of the top and back of the helmet and a large darkened facial area. It also featured other minor alterations including; a flashing light on top of the mask and a plastic tube attached to the mouth area, however these were later removed.

#6 – Shawn Crahan

Custom Percussion
During the self titled era Shawn wore a latex clown mask that covered his whole head. Shawn bought the mask when he was 14 and refers to it as “Dude”. The mask featured exaggerated features like; puffy cheekbones, raised eyebrows and a large mouth. The mask also had bright orange artificial hair around the back and sides, with a bald area on top.
In 2000, he switched to a new mask. This mask was a fullheaded latex mask which had no hair at all. It was more facially realistic than his previous mask and featured a distinctly sinister grin. It again featured raised eyebrows and a red clown nose. During performance Shawn would sometimes drip fake blood over his mask to add to the sinister style of the mask.

#7 – Mick Thomson

During the self titled era Mick wore a mask made of a patched, dark, shiny leather material which was riveted together. The mask featured a predominant forehead area and angular shapes around his eyes and nose. The mouth area of the mask featured a series of vertical lines which resembled that of a hockey mask.

#8 – Corey Taylor

During the self titled era Corey wore a heavily customized full headed latex mask. The mask was made by turning a latex mask inside out so that it had no expression of facial features. It also featured multiple dreadlocks which were attached to top and back of the mask. Other minor featured include stitches in multiple areas including; near the left eye area, the top of the head and other areas. During the interview on Voliminal: Inside The Nine, Corey explained that during touring in ’99 the mask began to fall apart and he had to use duct tape to hold it together.

#0 – Sid Wilson

During the Iowa era Sid wore a large latex mask which covered his entire head. The mask featured very large, exaggerated eye and mouth areas. The mask featured minor details like; teeth around the mouth area and cracks around his head among other areas. The overall look of the mask was a unique cross between a skull and a gasmask, there was also a couple of variations in colors of this mask including; a very dark blue/black one and a more flesh colored one.

#1 – Joey Jordison

During the Iowa era Joey once again wore a customized expressionless Japanese Kabuki mask. However, this time it featured very dark eye and mouth areas to the mask with blood dripping down from the eyes, mouth and top of the mask. Also, throughout that period Joey had his hair dyed red and black which added to the overall look of the mask.

#2 – Paul Gray

During the Iowa era Paul wore a very dark, thick facial mask which featured pig-like features. The mask has very predominant holes around the eyes, a sloped nose area which resembles a pig’s snout and a large area which covers his mouth. The mask also features large straps on the top and sides of the mask. His mask featured some minor changes cone the band began touring including a few horizontal slices around the mouth area and multiple scratches around the whole facial area of the mask.

#3 – Chris Fehn

Custom Percussion
During the Iowa era Chris wore a more professional looking version of his Pinocchio style mask. The nose of the mask was visibly more stable and longer than the one he wore during the self title era. The overall look of the mask was much cleaner than his previous mask too with defined areas around his eyes and mouth, neater stitching and riveting throughout.

#4 – Jim Root

During the Iowa era Jim wore a sinister looking latex jester mask. The eyes areas of the mask were predominantly large, dark and indented from the mask. Features like his cheeks and chin were elongated and exaggerated and the mask had an overall sinister look, the mask was mainly a white/cream color with strong black markings throughout.

#5 – Craig Jones

During the Iowa era Craig wore a full headed expressionless mask which is made from a thick leather looking material. The mask features a large number of nails protruding from the top, back and sides and a singular subtle vertical crease-like mark going through the middle of the mask. It features dominant facial features and has a zipper on the mouth area which is constantly kept zipped shut, two small circular holes for nostrils and two thin rectangular eye holes.

#6 – Shawn Crahan

Custom Percussion
During the Iowa era Shawn wore a very sinister looking clown style mask. The mask cone again featured predominant facial features including; puffy cheekbones, raised eyebrows and a large mouth area. It also featured predominant scars and markings on the face area including an upside down pentagram and the number “6″ on his forehead. On the top of the mask there is a section of the head missing on the left which reveals an area of the brain. Shawn says it’s to represent him trying to access the creative side of his brain, as the right side of the brain is logic which he says he wishes never existed. Unlike his previous clown mask which featured artificial hair around the back and sides, this mask features the same area cut away so that his own hair can become part of the mask.

#7 – Mick Thomson

During the Iowa era Mick wore a slightly altered version of the mask he wore during the self titled era. The mask didn’t change barely in design but the mask is more professionally made and is that of a lighter, more metallic colored material.

#8 – Corey Taylor

During the Iowa era Corey wore a full headed expressionless, beaten latex mask. It was very similar to the mask he wore during the self titled era however this mask was thicker and had a very beaten look to it. It once again featured dreadlocks around the top, back and sides, however they were longer than his previous mask and were dyed green. There were a few color variations to his mask including a flesh colored one, a very dark one and a flesh colored one with very darkened eye and mouth areas.

#0 – Sid Wilson

During the Vol. 3 era Sid wore two separate masks. Following the release of the album Sid wore a latex mask which resembled that of a rotten, deteriorated skull with flesh that covered only his face. During this time he had long hair and this became a feature of his mask. The mask was made of two separate parts; the main face area and the lower jaw section, sometimes he would play shows and do photo shoots without the lower jaw. He also used to play around with his death mask on stage, were he would wear it on top his mask and then remove it. In 2005 however he changed his mask to a full headed mask which looked more like a completely decomposed skull. The mask looked very realistic in terms of definition and features of a skull and Sid wore the mask for the rest of the era.

#1 – Joey Jordison

During the Vol. 3 era Joey wore a latex version of his expressionless Kabuki mask. However this time it featured considerably more defined markings. Including; sunken eye and mouth areas, scratches down his forehead, below his eyes and around his lips and multiple spheres across his eyebrow line. There are a lot of different color variations of the mask including a white mask with read and black marks, a gray mask with dark gray markings and others.

#2 – Paul Gray

During the Vol. 3 era Paul wore a very thick mask that covered his face. The mask is quite similar to the one he wore during the Iowa era but with a few differences. It’s similar in the way the eyes and nose areas are sunken and expressionless. However two of the key differences are; the mouth area on this mask is quite a large rectangular shape with a large number of metal bars covering his mouth and a bullet shot wound and cracks on the forehead of his mask. There are a few color variations that Paul has wore but the main color is a dark gray/black.

#3 – Chris Fehn

Custom Percussion
During the Vol. 3 era Chris wore a few different variations of the his Pinocchio style mask. Some of the key characteristic changes from his Iowa era mask are that these masks are again a lot more professional and tidy with the edges fitting his face better and the zipper and nose areas attached more cleanly. Predominantly throughout touring he would switch between different colored masks including a fleshy/pale colored one and a red one.

#4 – Jim Root

During the Vol. 3 era Jim wore a more refined, realistic looking latex jester mask. One of the biggest changes in Jim’s mask was that this one was a lot more subtle and realistic looking. It looks almsot as if Jim is not wearing a mask but make up. The mask is very realistic in respect to Jim’s facial features and include very realistic looking nose and mouth areas. The mouth of the mask features a zipper which is set behind the black lips of the mask.

#5 – Craig Jones

During the Vol. 3 era Craig wore a very large full headed mask. Once again, like his Iowa era mask Craig’s mask was a very featureless mask with a zipper mouth, small eye and nostril holes and a large amount of nails protruding from the top, side and back of the mask. One of the biggest differences between this and his previous mask is the size of it, the mask itself is made from visually thicker material and the nails are very noticeably longer than previous. The mask also features a zip at the back of the mask which is used so that Craig can wear it.

#6 – Shawn Crahan

Custom Percussion
During the Vol. 3 era Shawn wore a mask which was made from blood-stained bandages and has a very distinctive red clown nose. The mask evolved considerably from it’s original incarnation. Originally the bandages covered his whole head and there was a swollen area on the right side of his head. While the band toured following the release of the album Shawn began to remove the bandages and towards the end of the era the bandages only covered his face and parts of his head and his hair became a predominant feature of the mask.

#7 – Mick Thomson

During the Vol. 3 era Mick wore a very sinister metallic looking leather mask. The mask features predominant marks which make the mask look like it is shaped and/or carved out of metal. The mouth area of the mask features 5 slice-like marks which look like something has cut through the mask. The biggest difference between this and his Iowa era mask is that this appears to be one piece of molded metal where-as the Iowa one looked like a few pieces riveted together.

#8 – Corey Taylor

During the Vol. 3 era Corey wore a very damaged and scarred latex mask that covered only his face. The mask features a large amount of scratches, carvings, stitches and staples throughout the mask which has an overall looks of a disfigured, expressionless human face. The mask is a dark green and brown color and features touches of reds and grays. One of the key features of the mask is a large slice across the mouth area which looks as if the jaw of the mask has been ripped off and stitched back together. It was the first mask which Corey wore to not cover his whole head and his hair becomes a key feature to the mask, throughout the era he had multi-colored dyed hair which was; red, blue, purple and black.

#0 – Sid Wilson

Currently Sid wears a futuristic style mask which has a metallic look to it. It has been remarked upon as a clear ode to the popular TV series The Transformers, of which Sid is a huge fan. The mask has an overall look of a robotic human face and has scratches and weathered effects on its surface. It also features mechanically moveable eyebrows, reflective plastic eyes and a hinged jaw section which add to the overall realistic/robot theme.

#1 – Joey Jordison

Currently Joey’s mask is a latex weathered and beaten version of his Japanese Kabuki mask he his known for. It is a dirty skin colored tone and features dark engravements and marks which also have blood colored stains. The mouth of the mask is stitched up and there are areas which feature staples atop of scars. During photoshoots and (on occasion) during live performances he wears a crown of large thorns on his head and long branch like additions to his hands which add to the beaten, unkept image.

#2 – Paul Gray

Currently Paul wears a very thick latex mask with deep eye and mouth areas. The mouth area of the mask has a dense amount of metal bars which obscure his mouth. The nose of the mask is almost flush to the rest of the mask and has the characteristics of a pig’s snout with the nostrils appearing face on. There is also a large amount of grazed and scratched areas on the mask and even stitches in some places, making the whole mask look damaged.

#3 – Chris Fehn

Custom Percussion
Chris wears a leather bondage type Pinocchio mask with a nose which is about 7 inches long. His mask is made up of two parts; the first is a black leather hood which covers his entire head and then he wears a mask which only covers his face. The mask features indented eye areas, a zipper over his mouth and includes a large amount of stitches and rivets all over the mask. In 2008 during promotional photoshoots prior the release of All Hope Is Gone, Chris did not wear his black hood under his mask. This made his hair more dominant in relation to his mask however when they began to tour he was once again wearing his black hood under his mask.

#4 – Jim Root

Currently Jim wears a very white Jester style latex mask. It features imbedded dark areas around his eyes and zipper between his lips on his mask. The mask is a very realistic looking mask, particularly in his nose and it almost looks like Jim is only wearing make up due to this. The majority of the mask is white and the engraved areas of the mask are completely black with a red outline.

#5 – Craig Jones

Currently Craig wears a large mask which covers his whole head with very little facial features. There are two small slit eye areas which are generally very dark which obscure his eyes. There are also two small circular holes which represent his nostrils and a zipper over his mouth area which more often than not is zipped closed. All areas of the mask excluding the face have very large nails protruding it which shake about violently when he headbangs.

#6 – Shawn Crahan

Custom Percussion
At the beginning of the AHIG era Shawn wore a patchy leather full headed mask. The majority of the mask is made up of patches of leather stitched together. It features two oval eyes shapes cut out from the leather which have reflective plastic. There is also a large zipper in the mouth area and a round shiny golden clown nose seemingly stitched on to the mask.
However, at the beginning of 2009 Shawn debuted a new mask. The mask covers only his face so that his hair becomes part of the overall look of the mask. It is quite similar in style to their death masks, it looks quite realistic. The mask features a false mouth which is smiling with bright white teeth and red lips. It also features make-up esque painting on the cheeks and around the eyes to add to the realistic look of the mask.

#7 – Mick Thomson

Currently Mick’s mask is a metallic looking mask which covers his face. It is the same mask that he had adorned following the release of Vol. 3. The mask features predominant marks which make the mask look like it is shaped and/or carved out of metal. The mouth area of the mask features 5 slice-like marks which look like something has cut through the mask.

#8 – Corey Taylor

Currently Corey wears a predominantly featureless mask which covers most of his head, except the very top. The mask lacks any distinctive detail and has a small slit at the bottom of his nose, a cut out area around his mouth and two differently sized eye holes. The left eye of the mask features an additional piece of circular material which restricts the size of the area that Corey can see out of. The eye areas of the mask also feature black mesh which obscures his eyes from view.